Saturday, April 20, 2013

Moving on...

So I dumped my well worn boots and left them in my hotel room in Narita along with some well worn socks - looking at the temperatures in Bangkok, it was 90 degrees there this morning at 10 AM!  (Sorry Minnesota....don't mean to rub it in - but you all might be TOO hot there anyway!!!)  But for me...I love the tropics and can't wait to feel the heat, see the beauty of the swaying palm trees and breath the thick, warm air!!!  So, so long boots and hats and gloves....I'm moving on!  I had an incredible five weeks in Japan and ten glorious days in South Korea - so many great experiences that I've had a hard time keeping up with my journal, Facebook and blog!  Not sure when I will have wifi again, so wanted to let you all know who are reading this...that I am happy with all of the decisions that I have made in my life and again I must say.....I am blessed beyond belief!  My new favorite saying that I came up with in Busan/Pusan is - AIM YOUR ENERGY - and I intend to do just that!!!  And I hope you do too!  God bless you all...and God bless all the victims in Boston...

Monday, April 15, 2013

Life in South Korea

Life in South Korea is amazing and Seoul has SO much to offer, and it makes me sad to really realize  that the people in North Korea have SO little...

I cannot do justice in the brief 10 days that I have here - I am sorry that I did not allow more time.  It has been difficult for me to post often as I am so busy living life and am 'dead dog tired' by the end of the day.  However I am taking the train to Busan in the early morning and am in hopes of being able to spend some time and recapture some of the beautiful moments I have experienced.

Life is good in the South...and now I am heading further much better can it get???   Oh yeah, there's the beach!!!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

South Korea

SAFE and happy in South Korea!  Living it up and am not going to let that CRAZY guy in the north rain on my parade!!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Yokota Air Force Base ~ Fussa, Japan

Laying here in my warm futon bed on a beautiful tatami mat floor in a ryokan in Nikko, Japan reflecting of my incredible time while staying at the Yokota Air Force base with Lieutenant Colonel Austin Hamner.  An amazing man who is working hard to make our world a better place. What a great time I had checking in and out of the Kanto Lodge on base in various rooms thoughtout my visit to Japan.  My dear, sweet girlfriend Martha Murrey (and soul sister) joined me for a week ~ and what a grand time we had!  I thank them both from the bottom of my heart, for their long lasting love to each other and for including me in it!  These are memories I will cherish forever...